Benefits for Everyone
For Specialty Contractors:
- Simple and easy permitting online.
Lower permitting cost:
- Just $22.50 for Water Heaters.
- Just $50.00 for Heating and Cooling units.
- No need for local building authority inspections.
- Endorsed by area municipalities and Pima County.
For Home and Business Owners:
- Professional installations done by professionals.
- No need to wait for local building authority inspections.
See the benefits of using licensed contractors.
Click Here
For Building Departments:
- Knowing that certified installers are doing the job.
- All work being done with all required permits.
- Reduce overhead for their departments.
Certified in 3 Easy Steps
Start taking advantage of this program and the reduced time and cost of obtaining permits:
- Create a company account.
- Sign up your employees to be tested.
- Start buying permits from this site.